FOSS4G-Asia 2023 - Expression of Interest - Reminder
Dear All,
The deadline for the Expression of Interest is almost here. July 6th is the last date for showing your chapter/organisation’s interest in hosting the FOSS4G-Asia 2023.
As you are aware, FOSS4g-Asia is the premier FOSS4G event in Asia. It is conducted once in two years and brings together researchers and practitioners involved in developing Free & Open-Source solutions for/in the Asian region.
If you are interested, please hurry up in indicating your interest in hosting the same. You can do so by filling and submitting the online EOI form [1] before end of day 6th July 2022 (AoE Time Zone [7]). Further details of the selection process will be communicated / announced after receiving the EOI.
If you are planning to submit EOI for the 2023 event, please look up the process and proposals received for the 2021 event available at [6] and try to start preparing your proposal for future submission.
Look forward for receiving your EOI and proposals.
Co-Coordinator FOSS4G-Asia 2021
Member, Selection Committee FOSS4G-Asia 2023