Dear Professor Venka and all,

Thanks for organizing such a great event, absolutely informative as well as being comfortable ��together. Hope to see you and others often and soon. : )

Best regards,

HaeKyong Kang.
Associate Research Fellow, Ph.D in GIS
Geospatial Information Research Division
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements
T. +82 031-380-0405

2014-12-16 13:18 GMT+09:00 Venkatesh Raghavan <>:
Dear All,

10 days�� have passed since the successful conclusion of FOSS4G-Asia 2014.
On behalf of the organizers, I will like to thank one and all for support
and active participation in FOSS4G-Asia 2014. The conference was attended
by more then 112 participants for 18 different countries and by all
means a grand success.

International Journal of Geoinformatics [1] is planning
to bring out Special Issue of FOSS4G-Asia 2014�� sometimes in
June 2015. We will send notifications to authors whose papers
will be shortlisted for the special issue by the scientific committee
of FOSS4G-Asia 2014.

Three awards were presented as below.

1) Best FOSS4G Use Case Award to Kazeem Owolabi and others for
"Use case: supporting polio eradication and Ebola outbreak response"

2) Best FOSS4G Developer Award to G��rald Fenoy and NIcolas Bozon
for "MapMint: The 100% service-oriented GIS platform"

3) Best Poster Award to Jayasinghe and others for
"Assess the level of vulnerability to climate exaggerated disasters in
Sri Lankan Coastal Areas: An Application of Open Source Geographic
Information System"

2015 we will have the global gathering of FOSS4G in Seoul [2] and
a special Asian Session at FOSS4G-2015 was announced by the
Conference Chair Mr. Sanghee Shin during FOSS4G-Asia 2014.
We hope to see all of you at FOSS4G-Seoul in 2015. FOSS4G-Asia
will be held again in 2016�� somewhere in Asia. If have any suggestion
for the FOSS4G-Asia 2016 venue, please let us know.

This FOSS4G-Asia Conference mailing list [3] will remain active and if you
have any feedback to help to improve the future conference, please
feel free to write on the ML. Please ask your friends and colleagues
interested in FOSS4G to subscribe to the ML too.

I take this opportunity to thank the Sponsors, Local Organizers and Volunteers
without whose help, FOSS4G-Asia 2014 would not be possible.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan
Osaka City University
Co-Chairperson FOSS4G-Asia 2014
Foss4ga.discuss mailing list