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V��o 15 thg 10, 2018 11:16, "Luong Chi Mai" <lcmai@ioit.ac.vn> ���� vi���t:

Dear all,


Also, could someone help to remove my email from mailing list.


Mine: lcmai@ioit.ac.vn


Thank you and best regards,


Luong Chi Mai


From: GISIDEAS [mailto:gisideas-bounces@gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp] On Behalf Of Nguyen Huu Nghia
Sent: 15 October 2018 10:57
To: gisideas@gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Subject: [Gisideas] unsubscribe this mailing list


Dear all,


Can anyone help me to remove my email from this list. I have tried follow the instruction many times but not success.


My email is nghia.vn@gmail.com


Thank you very much.





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