Dear,��Tejendra Kumar Yadav
�� �� �� ��This message you sent, I don't understand what you need help with withdrawing the submission.

Best Regards,

��������������� ���. 17 ���.���. 2564 ������������ 12:00 Tejendra Kumar Yadav <> ������������������������:

Dear sir,

�� ��I submitted my paper for GIS-Ideas but due to my personal reasons i want to withdraw paper named��Deep learning for land cover classification from UAV Photogrammetric results of reclaimed mines area. Please��help to withdraw the�� submission.


With Regards��
Tejendra Kumar Yadav

Naresuan University


GISIDEAS mailing list
�� �� �� �� �� �� ��Pathipat Sunpapao (MSc. Student)
  • Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology and Resources Management (AERM)
  • Faculty of Agriculture Natural resources and Environment
  • Naresuan University
  • email:
  • Tel. 0946397848