Dear Hao Quang,
Theo thong le cua HT GIS Ideas, phai submit��fulltext va register de tham du (co fee), tuc la co bao cao, thi Full paper moi duoc dang trong Proceedings.
Ngoai ra, lan nay BTC se chon nhung bai hay dang Springer.
Than men,��
Ho Dinh Duan.

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 10:58���AM Quang Nguyen Hao via Discuss _ GIS IDEAS <> wrote:
Dear Ch��� H��,

C��m ��n Ch��� ���� email. Em kh��ng hi���u l���m �� Ch��� trong email ���.
Em th���y ghi c��� th��� l�� kh��ng y��u c���u n���p b��i to��n v��n.

V���y n��n n���u ch��� c�� abstract v�� ����ng k�� tr��nh b��y th��i th�� �������c kh��ng ���?

Tr��n tr���ng

V��o Th 3, 22 thg 8, 2023 va��o lu��c 12:49 H�� L�� via Discuss _ GIS IDEAS <> ���� vi���t:
Dear Sir/ Madam,

Thank you very much for the email.��
I will submit the full paper before the deadline��on the webpage (
Thank you.

Best regards,
Le Thi Thu Ha, Ph.D

V��o Th 7, 19 thg 8, 2023 va��o lu��c 19:18 GISIDEAS Secretary via Discuss _ GIS IDEAS <> ���� vi���t:
Dear GIS-IDEAS 2023 Participants,


First, our sincere apologies for the delayed communication of the abstract review status. The review took a longer time than anticipated due to the very large number of abstracts received.

The results of the abstract review are now posted on our website at

You are now invited to submit your full text. The deadline for submitting the full text is 01 October 2023. However, we encourage you to submit the full text at your earliest convenience so that the peer-review process can be initiated promptly.

Please note that you will need to register before you submit the full paper.

The links to the upload page of the full paper will be communicated shortly via this mailing list.

Best regards,

Secretary GIS-IDEAS 2023
Ha Noi University of Natural Resources ��and Environment

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