Dear All,
I would like to inform you that the deadline for submission of abstracts for the GIS-IDEAS 2004 has been extended till May 15, 2004.
We look forward for your submission and also request you to kindly inform about the new abstract deadline to your colleagues.
Kind regards
Venkatesh Osaka City Univ., Japan GIS-IDEAS 2004 Co-cordinator
Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
Dear All,
With a little over a month left for the deadline for submission of abstracts (30 April, 2004) for GIS-IDEAS 2004, I take this oppurtunity to remind the subscribers of this list to kindly submit their abstracts through the symposium web-page (
The conference is scheduled to be held at Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam from 16-18 September 2004. Details are available on the conference web-site. Looking forward to seeing many Geoinformatics researcher and practitioners at the Symposium and hoping that the meeting would be a big success. Would also like to request you all to pass on the info about the GIS-IDEAS 2004 through appropriate means that may available to you.
Kind regards