This message is only for Vietnamese Participants of GIS-IDEAS 2002.

Kinh gui cac dai bieu tham gia hoi nghi quoc te GIS-IDEAS,

Nhu da thong bao Hoi nghi quoc te dau tien cua Hoi Nhat-Viet ve Dia Tin hoc (Japan Vietnam Geoinformatics Consortium) mang ten GIS-IDEAS se duoc to chuc tai Ha Noi tu ngay 25-28/9/2002.

Kem theo day la danh sach rieng ve cac dai bieu se co bao cao trinh bay dang Poster tai hoi nghi nay.  Kinh de nghi cac Quy dai bieu co bao cao dang Poster chuan bi bao cao cua minh theo huong dan duoi day.  De nghi cac Quy dai bieu co bao cao dang Poster thong bao chinh thuc tro lai cho Ban to chuc hoi thao ve su tham gia bao cao Poster cua minh ve dia dia chi sau:

Dr. Hoang Minh Hien

cang som cang tot de Ban to chuc co the sap xep lich trinh va Poster Panels tai hoi truong cho cac Quy dai bieu.

Ngay trinh bay Posters:  Sept. 27, 2002
Thoi gian:                     15:40-17:00PM
Session XI:                    Poster
Kich thuoc cua panel la 100x200 cm (WidexHeigh)
Cac Poster can duoc trung bay ngay tai ngay dau tien cua hoi nghi GIS-IDEAS ((September, the 25th).
Cac tac gia co bao cao Poster se gioi thieu, trinh bay cho cac dai bieu trong mot khoang thoi gian ngan vao phien hop cuoi cung cua ngay 27 September ngay tai sanh phia truoc phong hop.

Hen gap cac Quy dai bieu tai hoi nghi GIS-IDEAS,

H. M. Hien
GIS-IDEAS Co-coordinator
Posters: Sept. 27, 2002 15:40-17:00 Session XI (Poster)
A panel with the size 100x200 cm (WxH) space will be available at the
conference for each poster.  Posters should be on display by the first conference
day (September, the 25th).  Authors of the poster presentation will be introduced
to the GIS-IDEAS participants during a short session (twenty minutes) that is
scheduled just before the core-time of the poster presentations begin.
List of poster presentations by Vietnamese participants

P-1-1 Design the GIS Database for Water Resources
Nguyen Dinh HOA

P-1-3 Investigation and Evaluation of Landslides in Mountainous Areas of Tra Bong and Ve River Basins, Quang Ngai Provience, Vietnam
Truong Xuan LUAN

P-1-8 Numerical Simulation of the Geological and Geomechanical Processes
Quang Phich NGUYEN,

P-1-9 Directions for Development of Geo-technical Information Technology
of the Department of Engineering Geology of Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
Nguyen Huy PHUONG

P-1-10 Prediction of Land Subsidence in Thanh Tri Area, Hanoi due to Groundwater Exploitation
Nguyen Huy PHUONG

P-1-12 Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS for Prediction of Natural Hazards in Hoa Binh Province
Nguyen Ngoc THACH

P-1-13 Seismo-tectonic Features of the Red river Fault Zone in North Vietnam
Tran Thi My THANH

P-1-14 GIS application for the Geo-scientific map of Hanoi city
Tran Hoang THIEN

P-1-16 Integration of Geological Data Sets Using Information Technology, An Innovative Approach to improve the Quality of Geological Mapping and Interpretation: A Case if Application from Canada and Vietnam
Hai Thanh TRAN

P-1-17 Designing and manufacturing PC-based ground station HRS-200
Bui Doan TRONG

P-1-18 Research For the bases and method of creating GIS Geo-technical
Data Bank of Hanoi
Pham Van TY

P-1-20 Application of information technology for environmental
evaluation of the Cau river basin based on Arial photo-interpretation
Nguyen Truong XUAN