On 2014/10/24 15:00, Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat wrote:
Two rooms are a computer room. Desktop computer are ready for use.
Can they run OSGeo-Live 8.0 on Virtual-box?
On 10/24/2014 12:01 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
Better to communicate in the official conference ML foss4ga.discuss@gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp and *not* foss4g-asia@gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp (which was started for a different purpose).
Since there are 8 workshops in total, we will need 4 rooms both in morning and afternoon session.
The style will be same as bremen with some participants bringing their own lapstops and others just coming without laptops to participate in lecture-style workshop.
On 2014/10/24 13:16, Daniel Kastl wrote:
Just out of curiosity, how many workshop participants do you expect for each workshop? Since 1 workshop is complementary with a registration, do you expect large number of attendants for each workshop? Are there any limitations on how many pattendants a workshop can have?
I think hands-on style workshops are pretty much impossible for a large audience. It also requires facilities, which are equipped with workshop-ready PC's. So far I haven't found any information about how a workshop is expected to be done. Should it be interactive or more of a half-day "presentation"? Would participants bring their own notebook, or are there computer labs?
Some information about the workshop facilities would be helpful. Many thanks,