Dear All,
Many thanks for your interest in attending FOSS4G-Asia 2014.
We are entering in to the final leg of preparations and looking forward to welcome you all in Bangkok.
We would like to give some updates.
1) List of abstracts is available online [1]
2) Conference program will be finalized soon.
3) Early-bird registration is extended till 31 October 2014. Please register early not only to avail discounts but all help us in confirming your participation. Conference registration page is available at [2].
4) Registration fee can be paid by bank transfer or credit card. We will also be adding option of Paypal payment soon. If you are paying by credit card, please refrain from sending credit card details by e-mail and send the details by Fax number mentioned in the registration form [3].
5) 7 Training workshops are scheduled and Details of the workshop are available at [4]. Fee for one workshop attendance is included in the registration fee. You will need to pay for the others workshops that you may wish to attend. Seats for workshops are limited and will be allotted on first-come-first-serve basis. So please register early to avoid disappointments.
6) Travel related information is available at [5]. Hotel are available at discounted rates. Please reserve your hotel and optional tours at an early date.
Look forward to seeing you all at FOSS4G-Asia 2014 in Bangkok.
The conference secretary can be contact at and you can also interact on the public mailing list[6].
Secretary FOSS4G-Asia 2014
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]