Dear Reshma,
Thanks a lot for your kindness. And itâs a reminder that Call for Presentations of FOSS4G Korea 2020 will close on this Friday(23rd Oct). If anybody in this mailing list have an interest in submitting the talk topic there, please bear in mind that deadline.
Kind regards, ì ìí¬ --- Shin, Sanghee Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company www.gaia3d.com
From: Reshma Shrestha (CIVIL & Geomatics) Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 7:49 PM To: ì ìí¬(Sanghee Shin) Cc: Subject: Re: [Foss4ga.discuss] FOSS4G Korea 2020 will go online and everyone is invited!
Dear Shin
Thank you for the email. Have already circulated in our groups.
Regards Reshma
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 6:02 PM ì ìí¬(Sanghee Shin) <> wrote: Dear all,
Hope all of you are well in the middle of pandemic.
Iâm not sure if here is the right place to share this news with you. However I believe itâs
ì ìí¬ --- Shin, Sanghee Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company www.gaia3d.com
_______________________________________________ Foss4ga.discuss mailing list
-- With Best Regards,
Reshma Shrestha (PhD, University of Twente) Assistant Professor Department of Geomatics Engineering School of Engineering Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal Website: