Hi all,
I totally agree with Danielâs view on those 2 questions. I read the questions again and again to check whether thereâs any missing phrases. And for a short time I considered to withdraw the proposal, since I thought itâs useless to host the event with such unfriendly and unwelcoming circumstances.
Anyway my answer to Q15 is like this:
âPutting brackets into a file name is widely accepted and used practice in Korea and should be respected as such. And thereâs no concrete and enough evidence that those practice can lead to conference disaster.â
I, on behalf of Seoul team, will not answer to Q15 in my official document.
Regards, ì ìí¬ --- Shin, Sanghee Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company http://www.gaia3d.com
ë³´ë¸ ì¬ë: Daniel Kastl ë³´ë¸ ë ì§: 2017ë 8ì 5ì¼ í ìì¼ ì¤í 6:13 ë°ë ì¬ë: Venkatesh Raghavan 참조: Rangajeewa Ratnayake; Nobusuke IWASAKI; ì ìí¬; foss4ga.discuss@gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp ì 목: Re: [Foss4ga.discuss] Questions to FOSS4G-Asia 2018/2019 biddingteams
15. Why is your document named: "(Seoul)FOSS4G_Asia_2019_Proposal.pdf"?   Putting brackets into a file name is bad practice and makes me   wonder whether that means we can also expect other poor choices   during the conference (tiny names on badges, errors in the printed   conference program, lack of power outlets, complicated WiFi   registration process).   *(-> Korea)*
16. Why is your document named: "FOSS4G_ASIA2017_LoI_Tsukuba.pdf"?   Why 2017? You propose to host a conference in 2018. This miss-naming   of the "Letter of Intent" makes me wonder whether that means we can   also expect other poor choices during the conference (tiny names on   badges, errors in the printed conference program, lack of power   outlets, complicated WiFi registration process).   *(-> Japan)*
Seriously? Are the last 2 questions (15) and (16) a joke?
Sorry, I couldn't hold back to comment on this, because I really doubt the qualification of a person asking such a qustion to be part of a jury. I feel, asking such a question and the tone is rather offensive and doesn't value the effort proposing communities put into their applications. Please don't waste everyones time with reading and answering such a useless question. What kind of answer do you expect? An apology?
I have received lots of documents with proprietary formats,  that I couldn't read, with typos and poor formatting. But I have never received such a rubbish question from a selecting committee member.Â
Sorry for the harsh words.
Best regards, Daniel